we need rest

The other night I was laying on my bed just scrolling through Instagram. Sometime later I decided to turn it off and put my phone down. Immediately after deciding to do this, the Holy Spirit laid this verse on my heart:

Matthew 11:28 NIV.
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

I’ll be honest with you, I sat there on my bed questioning why I needed that verse and why it even came to mind. I hadn’t read it on Instagram nor had I found it anywhere else. But, then as I was thinking about the verse I started to realize that I had been struggling to go to God with my burdens so He can give me the rest I truly need daily. Rest that this world cannot give to me. Instead, I was dwelling in my emotions and just trying to do it all on my own. I thought I would be able to get through it alone.

I always come to think I can do life alone, but you and I both know that is so far from the truth!! We can’t do anything on our own! And that is why we have Jesus, He takes everything we are going through on His shoulders and carry’s us through it all. However, that is ONLY if we allow Him to have it all.

Are you allowing God to have your trials? Are you trusting Him in this season of difficulty you may be facing? Have you surrendered your life to Him?

I have asked myself these questions time and time again so that I can reposition myself to Christ if I have gone off the path He has for me. Trust me, it can be so hard in the moment! But God WILL get you through this!

I am praying for you all! I hope each of you reading this have had a great week!




am i enough?