Blogmas day 5

Welcome back to another day of Luke! The life of Jesus is just starting to unfold as we enter into the 5th chapter of Luke. I absolutely love these upcoming verses that we will be diving into together. I pray the Lord fills you with understanding as you read through todays chapter, may your eyes be open to everything going on!

Luke 5:1-11

Jesus calls His first disciples!

He went down to the lake where He found common fisher men coming in from a long night of waiting for a catch that never came.

There was a crowd leaning in to hear Jesus’ every word, but they were struggling to hear Him so Jesus seeing the fishermen washing their nets climbed into one of their boats to speak. He spoke to Simon asking him to cast his net back into the sea for a catch, Simon told Him that they had no luck all night but at His word they did as He had asked.

Casting the net back into the sea I bet they hadn’t ever imagined catching anything but the moment the net was consumed by the water a large number of fish flooded the nets! They began to signal their friends to come and help them, and together they gathered the fish into both boats, but the number of fish was so large that the boats began to break.
That is when Simon knelt at Jesus’ feet telling Him to depart from him for he is a sinful man who doesn’t feel he deserves to be in the Lord’s presence. For Simon along with his partners James and John sons of Zebedee, were all astonished at the catch of fish they had taken.

Jesus looked at them and said, “Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching men” That is when they all brought their breaking boats to land and left EVERYTHING to follow Jesus.

Commentary from my ESV Bible:

“Jesus calls common fishermen to leave everything and become his disciples as fishers of men. Jesus then precedes the call by demonstrating His authority through the miraculous catch of fish”

Luke 5:12-16

While Jesus and His disciples were in one of the cities there came a man full of leprosy who fell on his face when he saw Jesus and begged Him to make him clean. So, Jesus stretched out His hand and touched him saying be clean! and immediately upon Jesus’ Words the man was cleansed of the leprosy! He told him not to tell anyone but instead show himself off to the priests, so they know he has been cleansed, but the report about Jesus only spread more across the region causing great crowds to come not only to hear from Him but to be healed by Him.

Jesus would consistently depart and hide in places to pray alone to God.

Luke 5:17-26

One day while Jesus was teaching Pharisees and teachers of the law came from every village of Galilee and Judea even from Jerusalem. In that moment the power of the Lord was on Him to heal!

Some men came along bringing a paralyzed man with them to Jesus while He was teaching. They knew He could heal the sick and started seeking a way to get their friend to Him. They soon found they couldn’t get the man to Jesus through the crown so instead they looked for another way and ended up climbing the roof to lower the paralyzed man into the house Jesus was teaching from.
When Jesus saw their faith He told the man that his sins were forgiven, but the thoughts of the scribes and pharisees came to Jesus which were, “Who is this who speaks blasphemies? Who can forgive sins but God alone?” When Jesus heard this He changed His words and asked them a question “Why do you question in your hearts?” Jesus looked at the man and instead told him to pick up his mat and to go home! So he did just that while glorifying God!

WOW! Scripture tells us that Jesus, THE SON OF MAN, has authority over the earth to forgive our sins. Isn’t that so amazing! No matter the sin He is willing to forgive you if you ask.
But This verse wasn’t just about forgiving of sins but about Faith! I thought it was so cool that his friends had such great Faith when believing Jesus could heal their friend that they looked for another way to get to him rather then stopping at the first obstacle they faced. That is a lot like what we should do, everyday of our lives we find ourselves running into walls in our walk with God, it’s just a matter of how you get through them that matters. I want to be a follower of Jesus that looks for another way when one way doesn’t work.

Luke 5:27-32

This is where Jesus calls Matthew (Levi at the time) to be His disciple! After the healing of the paralyzed man Jesus went out into town and saw a tax collector named Levi just sitting in the tax booth. Immediately upon seeing him Jesus said, “Follow Me” and at once Levi got up leaving everything to follow Jesus then hosted Him in his house for a great feast with others who in the eyes of the pharisees were tax collectors and sinners, but in Jesus’ eyes were people who needed saving.
Jesus came for the sick and sinners not those who were well and living in wealth.

Once again we see Jesus call another man to follow Him! And once again we see that they to left EVERYTHING to follow Him.
We not only need to follow Jesus in His footsteps to live a life like Him like many of us Christians try to do daily, but I also think we miss the fact that Jesus’ disciples are role models as you would say that we should live our lives learning from, they too are such great examples of what it truly means to follow Jesus on a daily while we live in this broken world.
And when you follow Jesus, follow Him with your all! Leave EVERYTHING to follow Him and trust that He will provide everything you need along the way.

Luke 5:33-39

Jesus speaks in a parable to the pharisees who asked Him why His disciples eat and drink while Johns disciples fast often and offer prayers.
He speaks this to them after their question “Can you make wedding guests fast while the bridegroom is with them? There will be a day when the bridegroom is taken away from them and then they will fast in those days”
I just now realized today that the bridegroom in this verse must be Jesus, and the wedding guests are His followers. Because there did come a day where Jesus was taken away from His disciples and called us to fast often in remembrance of Him while He is gone.

So much was said in these verses not only about Jesus and why He came but about how we as Christians should be living! Going through these chapters of Luke with you all has truly helped me understand God’s Word a lot more and even open my eyes to a deeper meaning of Scriptures in Luke that I never once noticed prior to this.

I pray you got something from today’s Scripture, and I pray you all are having a fantastic December so far! See you in the next post!


Christmas Time


blogmas day 4