blogmas day 4
It’s another December night which means another chapter of Luke has arrived! I hope you all have been enjoying this series and have been having a good December so far. How is it already December 4th? Am I the only one who feels like this whole year has just flown by? Well either way, I am just so thankful for everything this year has brought even through the heartache a few days brought.
December 4th brings us into Luke 4! I pray that everything I write helps you understand Luke a bit more as well as what God wants you to know this time of year! May God guide you through this chapter and highlight things in it that He wants you to hold onto this time of year!
Luke 4:1-13
We start off this chapter with Jesus spending 40 days and 40 nights in the wilderness being tempted and attacked left and right by the devil. Jesus was hungry, tired, and weary which made it so easy for Satan to get to Him. But Jesus was strong and wouldn’t let the enemy win.
We see that every time Satan attacked him, he would twist scripture and turn it almost into the truth but not and Jesus saw that and would combat his every word with SCRIPTURE just like we should do every single day.
Key points for what we should do that Jesus said against the lies Satan threw at him is this:
People do not live by bread alone
You must worship the Lord your God and serve only Him
You must NOT test the Lord your God
When the Devil was finished tempting Jesus he fled until another opportunity arose for him to attack.
The enemy came to temp even Jesus and fled when he had nothing more he could do. He does the same with us, when he is finished he will linger around just waiting for us to stumble, to get tired, then he will come at you! He will attack you with everything he can and usually it’s the same thing over and over again. It could be your past, something you're struggling with, even just twisting scripture like he did to Jesus. But that is why we need to be ready and prepare ourselves for combat. How do you do it? Well, I will go over that more in another post, but the main thing is that you are in God’s Word DAILY!
Luke 4:14-30
Jesus returned to His hometown in Nazareth filled with the Holy Spirit and as usual went to the Synagogue on the Sabbath day to read the scriptures. This day he was handed the scrolls of Isaiah the prophet, when he unrolled it, he read the verse that was being fulfilled that very day and when He had finished, all eyes were on Him. When he had told them that these things would be fulfilled in front of their very eyes they seemed to be confused. He then began to quote a Proverb saying many things, but this one thing stood out to me “No prophet is accepted in his hometown” just like those prophets Jesus wasn’t accepted in his hometown.
When Jesus had finished talking the people were furious! They jumped up and forced him to the edge of a hill intending to push him but instead He just walked right through the crowd as it was not yet His time.
Luke 4:31-37
When Jesus traveled to Capernaum everyone was amazed as He preached to them in the Synagogue. While He was still there in their Synagogue, a demon possessed man came to him screaming out that it knew who He was and began to ask Him if He was there to destroy them. But Jesus didn’t answer the demon, instead He rebuked it and told it with an authoritative voice to get out of the man! and at Jesus’ command the demon fled throwing the man to the ground in an instant. This news about Jesus and the power He has to cast out demons spread quickly throughout the region.
Luke 4:38-41
Leaving the synagogue, he went to Simon’s house where everyone begged Him to heal his mother-in-law who was very sick in bed. So, Jesus walked over to her and rebuked the fever which quickly left her at His command. Then, at once she got up and made them all a meal.
After that healing many people throughout the village brought Jesus loved ones with many kinds of diseases to be healed. Just by the touch of Jesus’ hand they were immediately healed and demons were cast out! Every demon knew Jesus and who He was which meant Jesus would silence them before commanding them out of the person’s body
The power Jesus had just by his touch or just by His voice is crazy amazing!!! There isn’t more I can really say except for that!
Luke 4:42-44
The next morning Jesus got up and went out to an isolated place to spend one on one time with God in prayer. The crowds began to search everywhere for Him and when they finally found Him they begged Him not to leave their town but He told them that other towns needed to hear the Good News too so He left and preached everywhere He went.
I just love how Jesus went to get alone in an isolated place to pray and spend time with God, that is exactly what we as followers of Jesus need to do as well!
I pray that through the busy holiday season you are able to step away for just a few minutes to spend time with God, cause truthfully we cannot get through our day without putting God first.
I hope you got something from this today! Love you all and you are all in my prayers!