Blogmas day 3
Its December 3rd which brings us another day of Blogmas! I pray you have been having a fantastic day and that this series has helped you understand the meaning of the season just a little more.
Today we are diving into another chapter of Luke which won't be to long as it consists of the genealogy of the people leading up to Jesus! But it’s just as important as the rest.
Luke 3:1-20
In these chapters we see that John is preparing the way for Jesus!
God sent a message to John, son of Zechariah, while he was in the wilderness. After that message was recieved John started to travel place to place on both sides of the Jordan river preaching to people about getting baptized to show everyone that they have repented and given their lives to God
Back in Isaiah 40:3-5 he had spoken of John when he said “He is a voice shouting in the wilderness, ‘prepare the way for the Lord’s coming! Clear the road for him! The valleys will be filled, and the mountains and hills made level. The curves will be straightened, and the rough places made smooth. And then all people will see the salvation sent from God”
When people came to John to be baptized with them he told them he needed to see proof that they were truly following God and that they repented. By action not just by the words you said. We shouldn’t make it all about ourselves and still live the life that we did before giving our hearts to God. We should repent and move forward, being made completely new in Christ Jesus.
I never did notice this verse until today — Luke 3:8 Prove by the way you live that you have repented of your sins and turned to God. Don’t just say to each other, ‘We’re safe, for we are descendants of Abraham.’ That means nothing, for I tell you, God can create children of Abraham from these very stones. —
This is so true! I went over it already but wow! I love how he worded it in this verse. Not everyone who says they are believers are actual believers, not that I am going to judge because I am not the judge, God is. But it is true, words are nothing, it’s our actions that truly show everyone that we are living for God. Not that we should desire the attention from others by the way we act or by the things we believe. But as Christians we are called to stand out from the world and as Christians that means walking differently than everyone else, paying attention to the things we watch or listen to and even by having self-control and telling people no when it doesn’t lead us to Christ.
But really, that verse jumped out to me, and I hope I encouraged you a bit with sharing what I got from it.
John goes on to tell the people that he baptizes with water but someone greater is soon coming to baptize them with the Holy Spirit and fire.
John used many warnings when spreading the Good News to prepare them for the day our Savior would appear.
Luke 2:21-22
One day while John was baptizing people Jesus arrived and ask John to baptize Him! It tells us in Matthew that John didn’t understand why Jesus was asking him to baptize he felt like Jesus should be baptizing him. But, it wasn’t what needed to happen so John went ahead and did it. As John began to baptize Him the Heavens opened and the Holy Spirit rested on Jesus like a dove before a great voice came from Heaven saying “You are my dearly loved Son, and you bring me great joy”
This last verse really shows that God was very well pleased and so happy with Jesus and everything He had been doing on the earth. Being baptized by John really shows us that it is such an important thing to do as a new believer so we can publicly declare what we are living for God and God alone.
That is the end of the chapter but I highly encourage you to read about Jesus’ ancestors, I know it is a ton of names but it’s there and probably just as important as everything else.
I pray you all got something from this I am praying for you all!! I have truly loved going through Luke so far and I am so pumped for the days ahead. I will talk to you all in my next post. Have an amazing day!