Happy New Year!!

2024 has come to an end and 2025 has begun!!

That is crazy, I feel like 2024 just started and yet it went by so fast! 2024 had many ups and downs and I loved every minute of it! I loved seeing what God did every single day and I look forward to seeing what He does in the days to come🩷

What are some goals you have for this year?

Something I am doing with a few girls is reading through the bible in 90 days! Some of you might be thinking thats crazy but I am so excited to see what God does in the first 90 days of 2025!

My goal for the year is to make time for God. This past year I was up and down when it came to spending time with Jesus. I would be on fire for Him one minute but then the next thing I knew I couldn't remember when I had sat down with Him.

So, to change that and focus on Him I plan to delete social media unless I am posting, journal daily to gather all my thoughts and surrender things to the Lord, spend time each morning with God in His Word and in prayer/worship.

What are you leaving behind in 2024?

I am leaving behind fear, doubt, and past lies that have been echoing in mind daily for years.

I don't wanna hold onto the lies or fear anymore and what I plan to do is repeat affirmations and truth over myself each morning and every time the lies come to my mind.

Satan cannot have my life, God has my life and He has yours too! Rebuke the enemy who has NO authority over you!

I am praying this year brings you joy, love, strength, and new life! Focus your eyes on God! Not whats to come, not the past, just keep your eyes on God every step you take. Don't look at your own steps or worry about what might happen. Trust in the Lord and believe He will get you to where He wants you in His timing💛

I am so thankful for every one of you! I am so excited to see what God does this year. You are all in my prayers! If you need specific prayer for anything feel free to comment down below, DM me on Instagram, or even contact me on my email which you can find in the contact page.

Love you all! Have a blessed day!


Undeniable love…


Christmas Time