Undeniable love…
“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. ”
As February is coming to an end, I wanted to talk about this one thing that God hasn’t just really been highlighting this month for me but also teach me.
This is a month of love, Valentines Day comes around and everyone focuses their eyes on spreading the love with friends, family, and their partners. But do you know what the greatest love there is that we can spread not just this month but every day of our lives throughout every month of the year? It’s Gods love. How amazing is His love for us that He sacrificed Himself in place of a criminal to save us from our sins, to open the door for us to be able to have a personal relationship wherever we are in the world and in life whatever season we find ourselves walking through.
God wanted me to share with you the same truth that He has been sharing with me and that is that YOU MATTER so much to Him, He loves you so much! You are His beautiful daughter and handsome son. Whoever you are, whatever season you are in, and no matter the past that is in your rearview mirror. God loves you, He sees you, and you are so IMPORTANT to Him!
I see this all over social media and I always seem to over look the truth behind it but, Isn't it so cool that God created this whole world filled with all its beauty and yet thought it needed you in it too. YOU ARE WANTED! He wanted you to be here, He still wants you here. Tomorrow is never promised but if you woke up today and are reading this just know, He has a plan for you, your story isn’t over, your story is still being written by our amazing God in heaven.
As with so many in this world, especially if you are a girl reading this, we can find it so hard to feel loved and even feel beautiful. There are days we may look in the mirror and say to ourselves I look ugly, I need to lose weight, I am so fat, no one will love me. STOP! Stop it right there. Go back to that mirror, stare dead in your eyes and tell yourself the truth. Not the truth you think is true but the real truth, tell yourself what God says about you not what Satan wants you to see or say about yourself. If you can’t think about it then let me tell you the truth cause I find myself way to often looking in the mirror and allowing those negative, hurtful, heartbreaking thoughts come to mind then I start hating myself and struggling to see myself the way God has always viewed me.
YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL, GORGEOUS, if you are a guy YOU ARE HANDSOME, God looks at you and sees His amazing and beautiful creation. You are made in the image of God! He looks at you with such a big smile every single day. The way you look is exactly how God created you and that was with so much love. He created you from the inside out! You are His MASTERPIECE! Oh my goodness, I can’t even say enough. No word can describe how amazing, loved, seen, cared for, and breathtaking you are in the eyes of God. Ask God to show you, through HIS eyes, how beautiful you are.
Never forget, God is one call away. Child of God you are amazing! Never stop being you. I am praying for you everyday and if you need specific prayer don’t be afraid to share them, my contacts are linked on here. I never share prayer requests with anyone, just God. Whatever you need prayer for, always remember that even in the silence God does hear you! He is ALWAYS listening. If you can’t hear Him, He is carrying you through it. You are so strong my friend!
God loves you so much, I pray you have a spectacular day even if it's hard you got this! Never give up for God is your strength.