reflections and a new start
Happy New Year Everyone! It is so surprising to see how this year just flew by. But it has been so incredible, and I have grown so much in my relationship with God. I may have had many ups and downs throughout this year, but I am honestly so thankful for each of those seasons God allowed me to go through because I wouldn't be here if it weren't for that, and I wouldn't know God the way I do now if I didn't struggle.
God put so many people in my life to walk with me on my journey with God and to just help me to keep my head up, and my eyes on God. He has never left me and has a greater plan for my life than I could personally ever imagine.
I know that personally, as a new year comes, we are stepping into the unknown. I can't help but wonder what next year has in store, what will change? Will something tragic happen? Where is God going to take me? However, God tells us not to worry about tomorrow, for today has its own struggles (Matthew 6:34)
So as we step into the new year, join me in preparing my heart for what God has in store for you and me. and take it one day at a time. One of my goals this year is to step out in faith and do new things, to really be who God made me to be. I want to grow even closer to God, and really find who He is. What is my purpose while I am on this earth? Do spread the good news. But before I can tell others about who God is to me, I have to created a personal, everlasting relationship with Him. Stay rooted in Him word, and grow in my prayer life.
God is with us every step of the way. So what are you going to start doing this new year to get rooted in His word? Or what are you going to change? It may be a habit that needs to change for you to get in the right mindset, it might even be distancing yourself from some toxic friends. Whatever it is, God has you in His arms.
Always remember though, you don't need to get yourself together to meet God where He is, you don't need to be perfect. No one is perfect. God wants to meet you right where you are, no matter how messy you are, He wants to help you. You just have to let Him.
This year, and even last year I went through a lot. Last year I went through the toughest friendship loss. I was so down I didn't feel I could get back up. I ended up crying myself to sleep everynight for 3 whole months, but that is when I found my best friend was there for me, she called me every night and just talked to me. But I will get more into that story another time.
This year, I found out that I am allergic to gluten, corn, and I can't handle a lot of dairy, it may not sound like much, but that was one of the hardest changes I have ever had to deal with. When I was 6 I was dignosed with Tourrettes, and this year I found out what caused them to be bad. It wasn't just my emotions, or all the sugar I ate, it included the gluten, corn, and dairy I had grown up having.
Alongside changing my diet, I started to struggle A LOT with really bad anxiety, and some of depression. It got so bad that I had to go to the doctor and get a prescription for anxiety medicine. Though it eventually started helping, when I first started taking it my anxiety got so much worse! I wanted to curl up and cry in my bed alone for 2 weeks.
However, even though I struggled a lot with stuff this year. Looking back I can see how much God was there, how much He was working in my life and helping me to become stronger. Even though it didn't feel like He was with me in the moment, He was there.
What did you face this year? Whatever it was, do you see God in those situations? Have you been praying for something this year that was answered? Or are you still waiting?
Well, God has heard your prayer, He has seen your tears, and He has bigger plans for you then you could ever possibly imagine.
-2 Kings 20:5-
"...I have heard your prayer; I have seen your tears"
-Jeremiah 29:11-
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope."
I am praying over this coming year, that you would be encouraged to chase after God every single day.
Goodbye 2021 and Welcome 2022!